Ways to prepare and cook food
A small list of ways to cook and prepare food explanations
Different ways to cook
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Peel | Remove the outer covering from a fruit, vegetable. |
Slice | Cut a thicker piece of food into slices. |
Grate | Rub food against a grater so it is cut it into a lot of small pieces. |
Pour | Pour the milk, water ext. into the bowl |
Mix | Combine food / liquid together so it becomes one. |
Whisk | A utensil needed for whipping eggs or cream. very quickly |
Boil | Heat a liquid until it boils. |
Fry | Cook food in a very hot oil. |
Roll | Rolling pin used for making pastry flat and making cake shapes. |
Stir | Move a spoon around in a pan in a circle. |
Simmer | Liquid or food just below boiling point and bubbling only gently. |
Poach | Cook an egg in or over boiling water. Fish can also be poached. |
Bake | Cook food without a flame, in an oven. |
Roast | Cook meat a long time an oven or over a fire |
Grill / BBQ | Cook food under heat from a metal bar or flame. |
Melt | Become liquefied by using a form of heat |
Stir | Move a spoon around in a liquid in order to mix it. |
Spread | A spread is a food that can be spread with a knife onto bread. |
Taste | to eat or drink a little of. |